गुरुवार, 8 अगस्त 2013

HAVE FAITH IN GOD AND BE IN PEACE. By - jyotikakkar( Who lives for today)

Remember, the problem is the companion of your life. You don’t want to move with them but they will go along with you throughout your journey of life. They are like an unwanted part of your life. And you have to move with them.
Look at your past. You will see that at every stage of your life you were dealing with some kind of problem. Though you had many good things also but again if you recall, you will find that at every  stage how restless you were about those problems.
At every age, be it childhood, when you were teen, even now and at every place- when in school, college or in the job, with every relation -schoolmates, family or neighbour,.when and where you were relaxed. You were always moving with some kind of problem. and every time you were cursing your luck., thinking that you are always in a difficult situation. What does it mean? Did you never have a happy time in your life? No, You had. many good things also but you did not enjoy them because you were thinking only about your problem, cursing your luck because your full attention was on the darker side. 
You could make your life better by focusing on both sides. While enjoying good things and by dealing with problems with your full capability and patience.
    Problems are an adverse situation in different fields like the financial problem, at work problem, health problem or with any relation.
   The difference is only this that at a young age you were innocent so you were taking small things very seriously. but now at this mature age, you will not be considered wise if you will do so.
Just close your eyes and concentrate on your restlessness. Is the problem really so intense that it affects your life so badly? Can you be happy if you ignore it?
If you find a problem so serious that you are feeling helpless and you want to get rid of this situation, you want to win then you have to be bold. Deal with it with the determination that you are strong enough to face it. You fight to win and leave rest to god. At the end, if you win then celebrate And if you loose then again you be in peace telling yourself that it was a hurdle, you tried your best and God has decided it for you and all was in his hand. I had to give this exam and I gave it with all my strength.
     Keep in mind only one line that -
                                                            you have to be in peace.
                                                                     jyoti -  who lives for today

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