रविवार, 15 अगस्त 2010


Thank god for not giving you so much luxury. Thus he has given you the opportunity to show your ability to go smoothly on the rough road. Now see if you can prove yourself.
They are beautiful because god has made them like this; they study abroad because their parents are capable to send them there. They are surrounded by all the luxuries and happiness and they have not done anything for it. They are enjoying the life but it is the grace of god.
But in your case it is up to you to make your life full of happiness and enjoyable.
Sometimes, some things are not in your hand. You have just to live. But still it is up to you to make sure that life full of odds can be enjoyable. Happiness is more pleasurable when you get it in the hype of problems. Nothing is in your hand but you have got the chance to show your ability (which everybody does not get) to face the tough situations in the right manner.
They who have every means of comfort do they have anything to be proud off, except their luxuries, which they only get because their fathers do great business. But still they are in tension because all the time they are struggling to prove themselves superior in their friend circle. The latest cell phone, the clothes of latest fashion, the latest model of cars......and the list goes on. And for this desire of show-off they shop, they boast in their circle and still they are not satisfied because just after they bought the latest model of a cell phone, the company launched another model with added features. So instead of being happy on what they have, they are tensed because their other friends have got a newer phone-model.They gather, they gossip, they eat, they laugh, they enjoy like you but do they have the thing which you call ability? Ability to enjoy while doing hard work for survival!

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